IVF clinic in St. Petersburg

Approximately 17% of couples suffer from infertility
Inability to conceive and other reproductive health disorders leave a mark not only on the physical, but also on the psychological state of a person. Infertility often leads to long-term stress and depression.
The first step to solving this problem is choosing a good fertility treatment center. The clinic should meet the individual needs of the patient, provide quality medical services and ensure comfort throughout the treatment process.
Where is the best place to do IVF?
There are many centers offering infertility treatment with the help of assisted reproductive technologies in St. Petersburg. Each of them has its own features, advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, choosing the best IVF clinic in St. Petersburg can be a difficult task. However, there are certain criteria that a good fertility center should meet.
It is better to choose a clinic that offers a wide range of assisted reproductive technologies.
Infertility treatment methods

Delta Fertility Clinic is a scientific and research center.
This allows doctors to apply state-of-the-art experimental methods in clinical trials.
Delta Fertility Clinic is a scientific and research center.
This allows doctors to apply state-of-the-art experimental methods in clinical trials.

Delta Fertility IVF Center in St. Petersburg uses all methods of infertility treatment and fertility preservation, including ovarian tissue cryopreservation and IVM.
A technique that allows immature eggs to be taken from the ovary without ovulation stimulation and then grown to maturity in a special medium.

Delta Fertility IVF Center in St. Petersburg uses all methods of infertility treatment and fertility preservation, including ovarian tissue cryopreservation and IVM.
A technique that allows immature eggs to be taken from the ovary without ovulation stimulation and then grown to maturity in a special medium.
In most cases, patients participating in such programs gain access to advanced reproductive technologies much earlier than they are routinely used.
In most cases, patients participating in such programs gain access to advanced reproductive technologies much earlier than they are routinely used.

Delta Fertility Clinic
has all the necessary modern medical equipment.

At Delta Fertility Clinic
all departments, including outpatient department, ART department, embryological laboratory, operating theatre and 24-hour inpatient hospital, are located in one building. This allows to save time, not to search for the necessary specialists and make the treatment process as comfortable as possible for patients.

Moreover, it has its own database of egg and sperm donors, as well as a cryopreservation facility.
Not all IVF centers in St. Petersburg have these key advantages.
Medical Specialty
When choosing a suitable center, many patients focus on the ratings of IVF clinics in St. Petersburg. However, it should be taken into account that the information reflected in them is not always objective. Such ratings are often compiled for advertising purposes. In addition, they sometimes contain multidisciplinary centers that, in addition to other medical directions, are engaged in the treatment of infertility. However, highly specialized clinics provide better services, focusing all attention on one area of medicine. As a rule, they have better technical equipment and more qualified staff.

Treatment success rates
This is one of the main criteria that a couple should consider when choosing a clinic. According to the Russian Association of Human Reproduction (RAHR), in 2020 the average pregnancy rate after embryo transfer within IVF cycles was 34.8%.
The use of modern technologies and individual approach to the patient allow increasing the success rate of infertility treatment. At Delta Fertility Clinic for reproductive medicine, more than 90% of IVF cycles are performed with PGT-A of embryos (genetic testing for aneuploidy). The use of modern technologies, individual approach and high qualification of the staff allowed to increase the success rate of the procedure up to 58.1%.

Patient-centred approach
Infertility treatment is often associated with a lot of stress for the couple. It is therefore very important that the reproduction clinic provides a patient-centred approach. It is not only providing high quality medical services, but also creating an environment in which treatment is as comfortable as possible.
Delta Fertility Clinic of Reproductive Medicine in St. Petersburg has spacious waiting rooms, clear navigation, comfortable doctor's offices and wards. The medical and administrative staff has extensive experience working with international patients and provides everything necessary for a comfortable process.
The best IVF clinic in St. Petersburg is, first of all, a highly qualified medical staff.
Qualification and experience of the team
At Delta Fertility, experienced fertility specialists, operating gynecologists, andrologists and embryologists treat infertility.
Thousands of IVF, egg and sperm donation and embryo transfer cycles.
Doctors of the IVF department performed thousands of OPUs and embryo transfers, their experience in the field of assisted reproductive technologies is at least 10 years.
Gynecological and andrological operations of all types of complexity.
The surgeons of the inpatient department are specialists in the field of reproductive surgery, who are primarily focused on pregnancy after surgical treatment. The joint dialogue and work of the surgeon and fertility specialist of the clinic allows to make infertility treatment as effective as possible, and when surgical interventions before the IVF cycle are necessary, they are performed quickly and in a comfortable and familiar environment for the patient.
The heart of the IVF clinic is the embryological laboratory.
Embryologists at Delta Fertility Clinic are highly qualified specialists who are proficient in all microsurgical manipulations and also provide training for their colleagues from other clinics.

Qualification and experience of the team
The best IVF clinic in St. Petersburg is, first of all, a highly qualified medical staff.
At Delta Fertility, experienced fertility specialists, operating gynecologists, andrologists and embryologists treat infertility.

Thousands of IVF, egg and sperm donation and embryo transfer cycles.
Doctors of the IVF department performed thousands of OPUs and embryo transfers, their experience in the field of assisted reproductive technologies is at least 10 years.

Gynecological and andrological operations of all types of complexity.
The surgeons of the inpatient department are specialists in the field of reproductive surgery, who are primarily focused on pregnancy after surgical treatment. The joint dialogue and work of the surgeon and fertility specialist of the clinic allows to make infertility treatment as effective as possible, and when surgical interventions before the IVF cycle are necessary, they are performed quickly and in a comfortable and familiar environment for the patient.

The heart of the IVF clinic is the embryological laboratory.
Embryologists at Delta Fertility Clinic are highly qualified specialists who are proficient in all microsurgical manipulations and also provide training for their colleagues from other clinics.

The clinic is a research and educational centre.
In addition to clinical practice, the clinic's specialists are actively engaged in scientific and research activities - they authored more than 60 medical articles and scientific publications.

Delta Fertility was opened in 2020 in the picturesque area of Vasilyevsky Island in the delta of the Neva River.
Despite the fact that this is a relatively young medical institution, it has managed to become one of the best reproductive centers in St. Petersburg.
The staff of the clinic is truly proud to be able to provide patients with high quality medical services and give infertile couples the happiness of becoming parents.

Founded by empaths and true professionals of their craft to achieve the highest collaborative results.
In terms of technical equipment, treatment methods used, as well as the success rate of IVF protocols, Delta Fertility Center is not inferior to leading domestic and foreign clinics.
Friendly staff and a calm, cozy atmosphere make the treatment process as comfortable as possible for patients.

We care about your comfort and trust from your very first visit to the clinic.
Choosing a fertility treatment center is a difficult decision for every couple.
However, working with the right reproductive clinic can not only increase the chances of successful conception, but also make this difficult journey easier for future parents.
Delta Fertility Clinic
metro Vasileostrovskaya
13th line of Vasilevsky Island, 10