Egg Donation in St. Petersburg, Russia
In vitro fertilisation in Russia can be carried out using both partners' and donor sex cells. Delta Fertility offers fresh egg donation programs with a guaranteed number of eggs and blastocysts. Our patients choose the donor by themselves using open online database. Let's take a closer look at the IVF procedure with donor eggs.

When should women consider using donor eggs?
Absence of own eggs
Repeated embryo transfer attempts without success
Treatment options and guarantees:
- A cycle with 10 fresh eggs
- Individual donation with all retrieved eggs

Fresh Donation with 10 oocytes
Delta Fertility Clinic specialises in IVF programs with fresh donor eggs, with the majority of IVF cycles being performed with PGT of embryos for aneuploidy.
The Basic Package includes 10 fresh eggs, fertilisation, embryo culture and transfer. We guarantee that you receive 10 eggs and at least 2 5-day embryos.
IVF with all fresh donor eggs
Individual Egg Donation allows you to use all eggs, obtained during egg collection. We guarantee at least 12 eggs and 2 blastocysts as a result.
Our Patient Coordinator will help you choose the best donor taking into account the appearance, similarity and your wishes.
Steps and timing of the IVF program with fresh donor eggs:
1. Patients select a suitable donor from the database.
2. After receiving the results of the examination, the donor undergoes ovarian stimulation.
3. The program fee includes the use of 10 fresh donor oocytes.
4. Donor eggs are fertilised with the sperm of the partner.
The method of fertilisation (IVF or ICSI) is chosen based on the quality and characteristics of the semen sample.
5. The resulting embryos are cultured
6. We do not recommend synchronising the cycles of the donor and the patient, so in most cases all embryos obtained are cryopreserved.
7. After freezing the embryos or receiving the PGT results, preparation of the woman for frozen embryo transfer begins.

How to choose an egg donor?
There are absolutely no medical criteria for choosing a donor: blood group and Rh factor, the donor's appearance have no influence on the probability and success of pregnancy in the patient.
In most cases, patients choose an egg donor based on the following criteria:
eye and hair colour
height, weight and body build
blood type and Rh-factor
childhood photos

This information is available online in donor database.

Egg donors in Russia are young women aged 18-35, physically and mentally healthy.
The medical testing for all oocyte donors includes:
Clinical and biochemical blood analysis, Coagulation testing, Urinalysis
Syphilis, Hepatitis B and C, HIV testing
Gynaecological examination, pelvic ultrasound
STD-testing, Pap-smear, Bacterioscopic tests of cervical, vaginal, cervix microflora
Hormone testing
Breast Ultrasound
GP counseling
Genetic counseling
Narcological and psychiatric examinations

Both anonymous and non-anonymous donation types are allowed in Russia.
In Delta Fertility, we offer anonymous donation.
Advantages of Delta Fertility

All the most modern types of assisted reproductive technologies are available in our clinic including IVF with donor eggs.

No waiting list